ISI Inspection

Inspection Reports

The Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) arranges and carries out the inspection of any school which wishes to be accredited by the Independent Schools Council (ISC).

The Independent Schools Inspectorate

The ISI inspects schools according to a standard framework for inspection which it has laid down for the purposes of ensuring that standards are maintained and that the school complies with relevant legal requirements. This framework has been agreed with the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) and they have recognised the ISI as the body responsible for the regular inspection of schools in England which are affiliated to the ISC.


The children, parents and staff are proud of Grange Park Prep School and the nurturing environment in which we learn, work and thrive. Please read our most recent ISI Reports and if you would like further information or wish to visit our school with a view to your child or children attending, please call or email to make an appointment.

ISI Inspection 2023 

GPPS was inspected at the start of this term by ISI (Independent School’s Inspectorate). We were one of the first settings in the country to be visited under the new inspection framework which only came into effect from 1 September 2023. Both our pupils and staff commented on how collaborative the inspection felt, and we were delighted that the inspectors found both our provision and pupil outcomes to be so strong. As you read the report, I hope you will also be filled with the same pride that I was at the observations and evaluations made by the visiting team. We are thrilled!

On reading the report, you should be aware that the new framework no longer provides an overall one word judgement. This innovative model of inspection prioritises outcomes for the individual child rather than an overall statement for the school. Reports are not allowed to contain effusive and elaborate language. Even with these constraints, we still feel that the inspectors have captured our school's essence, and as always, we are pleased that there were not any areas that failed to meet the required standards (standards are recorded as either ‘met’ or ‘unmet’).

In 2022 we had a compliance inspection and all areas were 'Met'.

In 2019 we had a full inspection: We are complaint in all areas and I am thrilled to announce we have been awarded the top grade 'Excellent' for our educational quality and teaching.

F23 REPORT 2023

Compliance Report 2022

EQI Inspection 2019

The previous inspection report can be found by clicking here.