School Fees & Bursaries

Fees 2024/25

School Fees

A registration Fee of £50 is payable on Registration.
A deposit of £750 is payable on the acceptance of a place at the school.
This is only refundable at the end of the summer term, less any trips taken in that term.

Fees from January 2025

To view our fees as of January 2025, please click HERE

Wrap around care

Is available from 7.45am to 6.00pm and incurs additional fees

Breakfast 7.45 - 8.40am £5.00
Late stay 3.20 - 4.45pm £10.00
  3.20 - 6.00pm £15.00

Fees for the September term for new entrants to the school are payable, in full, by 1st July of the year of entry.

Fees are payable termly in advance, on or before the first day of term. A surcharge of 10% of any amount of fees outstanding at that date will be applied for late payment. The school reserves the right to refuse tuition to any child whose parents persistently withhold payment of fees beyond the due date.

In the event of withdrawal of a child from the school, a full term’s fees will be charged in lieu of notice. There is a 10% reduction in fees for the second child. All children have to be concurrently at the school. As regards to Nursery children this offer only applies if they are full time.

Fees can be paid monthly by direct debit via a payment option scheme. Full details and application forms can be obtained from the School Administrator.

Nursery Term Time Fees 2024/2025

School Days
School Days
School Days
School Days
3-5 Years £3,447 £2,757.60 £2,068.20 £1,723.50 £1,916
3-5 Years
with 15 Hours Funding
£2,349.71 £1,584.31 £818.91 £436.21 £682.43
3-5 Years
with 30 Hours Funding
£872.43 N/A N/A N/A N/A

Lunch stay offered at £15 per day, from 11.40am - 1.00pm

‘Wrap around care’ is available from 7.45am to 6.00pm and incurs additional fees:

Breakfast 7.45 - 8.40am £5.00
Late stay 3.20 - 4.45pm £10.00
  3.20 - 6.00pm £15.00

Fees are inclusive of lunches if your child attends Nursery for the full day.

There is a 10% reduction in fees for the second child. All children have to be concurrently at the school. As regards to Nursery children this offer only applies if they are full time.

The fees are payable termly in advance on or before the first day of term. A surcharge of 10% of any amount of fees outstanding at that date will be applied for late payment.

In the event of withdrawal of a child from the nursery, a full term’s fees will be charged in lieu of notice.

Grange Park Preparatory School currently participates in the Government’s 15 and 30 hours Early Years’ Grant.  Your child is eligible for Early Years’ funding from the term after their third birthday until the term in which your child turns 5.  The school administers the scheme on behalf of its families.  The Early Years’ Grant entitlement for all eligible children will be automatically deducted from the fees excluding lunches. The net effect of this may vary depending on the number of weeks in the term.


Referral Scheme for Fee Payers of Current Pupils

We offer fee payers a 10% discount on one existing pupil’s net fees for one academic year if the fee payer introduces to the school a pupil who subsequently starts and remains for at least one academic year. Please note that as regards to Nursery places, this discount applies only if they are full time.

Fees can be paid termly by direct debit via bank transfer:
Barclays Bank Sort code 20-71-06 Account number 23929973.

Fees are reviewed annually.

Grange Park Prep School: A Guide to Bursaries

A bursary provides financial support to help pay school fees. It is based on parents’/guardians’ income and ranges in levels of support.

It is awarded to children who would benefit from an education at Grange Park Prep School and whose parents would otherwise be unable to send them to the School.

Bursaries may be available to children in Year 3-6. An application for a bursary would be considered from:

  • a child currently within the School whose family circumstance has changed unexpectedly, as a result of which financial support would be required for them to remain at school.
  • a child currently attending a state school whose family could not afford to pay for private education but who would benefit from being educated at Grange Park Prep School.

In exceptional circumstances, a bursary may be awarded to children in the Lower School (Reception – Year 2).

A bursary is initially granted for one year and then reviewed annually.

Applicants will be asked to complete a Statement of Financial Circumstances. All information provided will be treated in the strictest confidence.

The final decision on an award of a bursary will be made by the Board of Governors in consultation with the Headteacher.

Further Information

Download Nursery Application Form

Download School Application Form

Download GPPS Terms and Conditions